PrevenTEAve Health

After extensive research, we have carefully culled three reasons why being sick is actually the worst thing on the planet earth (not actually but actually).  They are presented as follows and are ranked from most unfortunate to least. 

1. Unproductivity: You know when you go to bed excited for all the things that you get to accomplish the next day, but you wake up sick? And you can’t do any of these things you had wanted to accomplish? And you feel like you're losing valuable hours of your life?  It's truly awful.  

2. Feeling sick: Honestly, no explanation is needed here.  

3. Isolation. In this day and age, no one wants to be around someone who is sick (with a cold or the flu). I mean no one. This means you're subjected to solitude, which can be a good or bad thing depending on the individual. (Hence why we ranked it last.) 

We know what you are thinking. “How can I avoid becoming victim to this catastrophic list?” Two words: preventative healthcare. 

Preventative healthcare is basically the stuff you do before you get sick to avoid being sick. It’s the act of being proactive rather than reactive when it comes to your health, if you will.  

In 2002 the power of preventative medicine gained scientific credibility when the US government released results of a study in which a diet and exercise program as treatment for type 2 diabetes was pitted against a drug treatment for type 2 diabetes, metformin. The Diabetes Prevention Program compared individuals assigned to a diet low in saturated fat, sugar, and salt that included lean protein and fresh fruits and vegetables to lower their blood sugar with individuals who took metformin in order to lower their blood sugar. The result? Among those individuals at a high risk of developing diabetes, those taking metformin lowered their risk of developing diabetes by 31% compared to those taking a placebo, while those who followed a healthy diet and exercise routine lowered their risk by 58% compared to those who did not modify their routine. These were some astonishing results. 

Preventative medicine has since attracted quite a following: numerous studies have been conducted regarding its effectiveness, and in 2010 Medicare even established an incentive program based upon preventative medicine. In addition, wellness and functional medicine practices have sprung up everywhere and have a large following. Now, preventative medicine has had a sort of rebrand as the concept of “food as medicine” which has grown significantly in recent years and is even a trending hashtag on popular social media platforms such as tik-tock and Instagram.  

So, what does this have to do with tea and 50Cups? 

  Okay, we are going to ask you to reread the last two paragraphs above regarding the study conducted by the Diabetes Prevention Program and the growing concept of food being viewed as medicine.                            

  So now that you have read that over, we have a question for you. At any point in those last two paragraphs was there any mention of the word “beverage” or “drink?” We didn’t see one either. While do we see a lot of mentions of “food,” there are no mentions of “drink” or “beverage.”  

This is because technically, a “beverage” or a “drink” falls under the category of “food.” According to the FDA, food means any consumable substance, whether in liquid, concentrated, frozen, dried, or dehydrated form. However, this is not necessarily common knowledge. In turn, the importance of the role of the beverage in the American diet often gets lost, despite its nutritional value being just as important as the food we eat. Subsequentially, us Americans find ourselves mindlessly sipping on sodas, coffee drinks, juices, and smoothies with absolutely no awareness the number of sugars and additives that most of these beverages are filled with and how harmful they can be to our health. More importantly, we find ourselves having no understanding that if we swap these “bad for you” beverages, with “good for you beverages,” we can make a tremendous impact in the improvement of our health.   

This is where 50Cups comes in.  

At 50Cups, we’re big on “good for you” beverages, more specifically, were big on “good for you” beverages that are tea based and taste great. Our goal is to raise awareness around the importance of “good for you” beverages and the role they play in preventative medicine (as well as its most recent “food as medicine” rebrand). We want everyone to be big on “good for you” tea-based beverages. This is why we created a line of teas blended with herbs and adaptogens that work to target specific health concerns, and that taste great too. Each tea has its own role in improving your health (you can find these roles on our website!)  

It’s all a domino effect, you see. When you drink our tea, then not only can you avoid falling victim to our catastrophic list as to why being sick is the worst thing on the planet, but you also give yourself the power to go out and accomplish whatever you set your mind to.  



Spring Cleaning (your body) 101
