Spilling the Tea

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Donating This Season
Kathryn Baker Kathryn Baker

Donating This Season

A few years ago, I decided to become a regular blood donor. I chose the Red Cross center to donate my blood, and when I walked in, I was immediately directed to the check-in desk and asked questions about my travel and overall health.

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Heart Health
Jim Baker Jim Baker

Heart Health

As we get older, what are we to do to protect ourselves? Most of us cannot afford to get full body MRIs as insurance will not cover the procedure if done voluntarily, so we rely on our body knowledge and get cholesterol checks as our primary markers for heart disease.

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Green and Black Tea Can Help Reduce Omicron Sub-Variants
Jim Baker Jim Baker

Green and Black Tea Can Help Reduce Omicron Sub-Variants

We already know that tea has tremendous health benefits, however, we saw this article published in Nature, a health care publication. This study was conducted in Japan where various tea catechins at different concentrations from green and black teas were mixed with the Omicron sub-variants and were shown to significantly reduce the viral load of the sub-variants.

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Sleep and Your Immune System
Jim Baker Jim Baker

Sleep and Your Immune System

The human body needs sleep to repair itself. As with any living organism, your body must have time to go through cellular and tissue repair, toxin removal, etc. When you are asleep you can’t eat or drink, and therefore, the digestive system can do its thing which may help improve gut performance and other organ functions. By allowing your body to rest, your immune system has time to reset and become stronger to fight against illness and disease.

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Jim Baker Jim Baker


At 50Cups, October is immunity month and it’s also the traditional start of the “cold, cough and allergy season” in North America and therefore, I thought we could learn a little more about the immune system and what it does.

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Hueman Studio Hueman Studio


Have we forgotten the Boston Tea party in 1773, when American colonists threw hundreds of chests of tea into the Boston Harbor as an act of protest and practice of American freedom? Clearly, we have.

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